
Teaching brings me joy.

I’m passionate about sharing knowledge and learning with others.

Classes are no more than 3 people.

Early Days

My first encounter in teaching was when I trained in Montessori teaching and taught in the UK. When my children were young, I embarked on yoga teacher training with the British Wheel of Yoga and began teaching classes. Soon afterwards, I came home to New Zealand. I felt torn between my passion for teaching yoga and my love for working with children.

Teaching and Learning in New Zealand

In 2011, I became a certified Primary school teacher in New Zealand, and for the past 11 years, I’ve dedicated myself to the profession. Throughout my teaching career, I furthered my knowledge and skills by training in Mindfulness with the Pause Breathe Smile program, incorporating various techniques and a mindful philosophy into my classroom practice. Additionally, I pursued training in children's yoga through Rainbow Yoga, enabling me to introduce yoga-infused mini breaks to my students.

Call back to Yoga

In January 2023, I decided to reinvigorate my yoga practice by enrolling in The Contemporary Yoga Teacher Training course in Auckland, New Zealand. It was an incredible experience that left me feeling inspired and rejuvenated. The teachers were exceptional, each bringing their own perspectives and passions to the table, allowing me to gain valuable insights from their contemporary approach to yoga.

Discovering Hanna Somatic Movement

During my participation in that training, I was introduced to Hanna Somatics, a practice that has had a profound impact on me. Since then, I’ve successfully completed all five levels of training in Hanna Somatics.

Recently, after a decade of service at Campbells Bay Primary School, I made the decision to step away from full-time teaching.

I’m fortunate to be able to teach wellbeing to children in schools and offer both Yoga and Hannah Somatics sessions in my cozy studio in Takapuna. With small class sizes, I can work closely with clients and individuals.

About Hanna Somatics:

Studying Thomas Hanna’s work allowed me to delve into a deeper understanding of the intricate human mind and body, referred to as the SOMA. Hanna emphasizes the interconnectedness of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being within the concept of SOMA. The term "Soma" originates from the Greek word for the body, encompassing the soul, mind, and psyche.

Hanna Somatic movement is rooted in neurology and has greatly influenced my approach to yoga, inviting a deeper awareness. My yoga classes are inquiry based, in as much as a curiosity and attention is encouraged as we move in to and within postures.

The constant tension in our muscles is often responsible for the various discomforts we encounter, such as aches, fatigue, and limited mobility. However, through Somatic Movement Education, we can actively engage our nervous system to retrain the brain and facilitate the relaxation of these chronically tight muscles. This process enables the body to regain its natural ability to move freely, effortlessly, and with enhanced comfort.

All activities in our lives require movement, and our brain, serving as the control center, directs and coordinates all of these movements. When we engage in any form of movement, our muscles contract to facilitate it, and once the movement is completed, these muscles should fully relax. Nevertheless, due to the pressures and demands of life, our muscles do not always revert back to their natural resting state.

Thomas Hanna refers to this phenomenon as Sensory Motor Amnesia, which affects every individual. As a result, we experience stiffness, discomfort, aches, and pain, along with reduced mobility and imbalances in our bodily systems. This drains our energy throughout the day, leaving us feeling fatigued.

Pandiculation is a special technique that involves performing simple movements to contract and release your muscles. It's crucial to pay attention to the sensations you experience during these movements. This awareness allows you to regain control over your muscles and improve the overall function of your body. By engaging your brain, you'll learn how to effectively release your muscles.

This isn't your typical physical exercise; it's sensory motor training. It's all about improving your functionality, so you can effortlessly engage in your daily work and lifestyle and do this late into your life. READ MORE